
Java is a generally utilized programming language and is intended for the disseminated climate of web. It is a universally useful programming language that is simultaneous, class-based, and object-arranged. It is allowed to access and we can run it on all the stages. Java follows the guideline of WORA (Write Once, Run Anywhere), and is stage free.


  • UNIT - 1 Introduction In Java
    • Java Designing Goal
    • Role of Java Programmer in Industry
    • Features of Java Language
    • JVM –The heart of Java
    • Java’s Magic Byte code
    • Language Fundamentals
  • UNIT - 2 The Java Environment
    • Installing Java
    • Java Program Development
    • Java Source File Structure
    • Compilation
    • Executions
    • Keywords, Literals, Comments
    • Primitive Data Types, Operators
    • Assignments
  • Unit - 3 Object Oriented Programming
    • Class Fundamentals
    • Object & Object reference
    • Creating and Operating Objects
    • Constructor & initialization code block
    • Access Control, Modifiers, Methods
    • Nested , Inner Class & Anonymous Classes
  • Unit - 4 Abstract Class & Interfaces
    • Defining Methods, Argument Passing Mechanism
    • Method Overloading, Recursion
    • Dealing with Static Members. Finalize () Method.
    • Use of Modifiers with Classes & Methods.
    • Generic Class Types
    • Unit - Extending Classes and Inheritance
    • Use and Benefits of Inheritance in OOP
    • Types of Inheritance in Java
    • Inheriting Data Members and Methods
    • Role of Constructors in inheritance
    • Overriding Super Class Methods
    • Use of “super”
    • Polymorphism in inheritance
    • Type Compatibility and Conversion
  • Unit - 5 Implementing Interfaces
    • Package
    • Organizing Classes and Interfaces in Packages
    • Naming Convention for Packages
  • Unit – 6 Exception Handling
    • The Idea behind Exception
    • Exceptions & Errors
    • Types of Exception
    • Use of try, catch, finally, throw, throws in Exception Handling
  • Unit – 7 Array & String
    • Defining an Array
    • Initializing & Accessing Array
    • Multi –Dimensional Array
    • Operation on String
    • Mutable & Immutable String
    • Tokenizing a String
    • Creating Strings using String Buffer
  • Unit - 8 Thread
    • Understanding Threads
    • Needs of Multi -Threaded
    • Thread Life-Cycle
    • Thread Priorities
    • Synchronizing Threads
    • Inter Communication of Threads
  • Unit - 9 Applets
    • Applet & Application
    • Applet Architecture
    • Parameters to Applet
    • Embedding Applets in Web page
    • A Collection of Useful Classes
    • Utility Methods for Arrays
    • Date & Times
    • Using Scanner
    • Regular Expression
  • Unit -10 Java – I/O
    • Input / Output Operation in Java (java.io Package)
    • Understanding Streams
    • The Classes for Input and Output
    • File I/O Basics
    • Reading and Writing to Files
    • Buffer and Buffer Management
    • Read/Write Operations with File Channel Serialization Objects
  • UNIT- 11 GUI Programming
    • Designing Graphical User Interfaces in Java
    • Components and Containers
  • Unit - 12 Types of Layout
    • Layout Managers
    • GUI Features Using Swing Components
  • Unit - 13 Collection Frameworks
    • Collections of Objects
    • Collection Types
    • Sets
    • Map
    • Hashing
    • Use of ArrayList& Vector
  • Unit - 14 Socket in Java
    • Networking Basics
    • Client-Server Architecture
    • Networking Classes and Interfaces
  • Unit - 15 JDBC – DBMS
    • JDBC
    • Database Programming using JDBC
    • Introduction to JDBC
    • JDBC Drivers & Architecture
    • CURD operation Using JDBC

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